Concrete Treatment

DriconĀ® CT is the new safe way to etch concrete or remove efflorescence and unwanted concrete build up!

  • Call us on 0800 DRICON
  • available in 1L, 5L & 20L Pails
Used For

Blocks, Bricks, Floors, Driveways, Efflorescence

  • Water soluble for easy, residue free rinsing
  • No acid fumes - can be used indoors and outdoors without special breathing equipment
  • No corrosion or rusting of most metals in surrounding environment
  • Non aggressive to skin & metals
  • 150x less corrosive to steel and 500x less corrosive to aluminium compared to 20% hydrochloric acid
  • On-demand technology - DriconĀ® CT only becomes active when exposed to the target surface (concrete) unlike normal acids that release all their available activity immediately and indiscriminately

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