Construction Grout

Construction Grout (CG) is a flowable, general purpose shrinkage compensated cementitious grout specifically designed for use where high early compressive strengths are required. CG is a ready-to-use pre-mixed product that only requires the addition of clean water to produce a free-flowing grout. It is pumpable and can be applied as a trowelable or semi-dry packing material. Designed with graded fillers and additives to aid uniform mixing while minimising segregation and bleed.

  • in 28 days 65 MPa Trowelable
  • work time 40-60 mins
  • set time 1-2 hrs
  • yield 0.013m³ / 25kg bag
  • available in 25kg bags
CG 25kg
  • High early strengths with durability
  • Ready to use pre-mixed requiring only clean water
  • Can be dry packed, rammed, trowelled, poured and pumped
  • The expansion system compensates drying shrinkage in both plastic and hardened states.
  • Free from chlorides or other substances which could aggravate steel corrosion. 

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