
PaveLock® pave bonding sand is a stabilising jointing sand that enhances the durability and appearance of paved surfaces. The combination of correctly graded sands and additives in PaveLock® form a semi-pliable joint when activated with water. PaveLock® is resistant to weed growth and insect infestation, making it a maintenance free alternative to standard PaveSand™. The sands used in PaveLock® meet the New Zealand NZS 3116:2002: Concrete Segmental Paving for jointing sand grading.

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  • Other Products Available 0800 DRICON
  • available in 20kg bags
PL 20kg
Used For

Paving Joints

  • Provides locked in strength and durability for paved surfaces
  • Is resistant to weed growth and insect infestation making it a maintenance free alternative to standard PaveSand™
  • Easy to use - please follow instructions on rear of pack
  • Requires minimum maintenance after installation
  • Effective long-term bonding of joints in areas of high wind and steep gradients
  • Kiln dried and screened sand blended with bonding additive

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